Training With Us


Effort-based Running

At Run Foot Forward, we focus on effort-based running. We help you to identify how your current efforts correspond to your pace, and teach you how to shift through those efforts to run smartly and effectively. Your training plan will walk you through what effort levels should feel like on easy runs, speed work, and long run days.

Have questions? See our Runner Dictionary in Runner Resources for a full breakdown of the effort scale we use.

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Final Surge

We use the platform, Final Surge (, to host and modify your training plans. You can use the Final Surge web page and/or the Final Surge app (available for Android or iPhone) to review, move, and update your workouts. We encourage the use of the Comments capability for ease of discussing workouts, and responding to questions about workouts.


We celebrate your successes

By providing encouragement and support through daily reviews of your workouts, and our weekly check-ins. From nailing those intervals to hitting a new PR, we are one hundred percent here to cheer you on as you take that step forward!