What are your coaching certifications?

Coach Nick is an RRCA Level 1 and Level 2-certified coach. He oversees the plan development. He is also First Aid/CPR/AED certified

Coach Terri’s advice and guidance is based on her years of experience as a runner, and as a member of communities such as November Project NYC and Brooklyn.

Can I meet the coaches in person?

Coach Nick is currently coaching GT for NYRR in Central Park on Thursdays at 6:30pm, and is a sub for Great Hill TC in Prospect Park, BK.

How is your training different from others?

We are primarily focused on training runners who either want guidance in developing a consistent running schedule, and/or are training for virtual events. Generally, we focus on effort-based running, as well as pace guidelines.

What if I get hurt?

If you are feeling pain or soreness, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, but you should also always check in with your doctor and/or a physical therapist before continuing in your training. We highly recommend you check in with your doctor/health practitioner before starting any training program with us.

How often can I contact you?

As often as you like. We review workouts via Final Surge, and leave feedback/respond to comments within a few hours. If a matter is urgent, please comment in Final Surge and send us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible OR message us in Slack.

How do I get my plan?

We use the coaching platform, Final Surge (https://www.finalsurge.com). It has a treasure trove of features that enable our clients to provide detailed feedback about workouts, and maintain a dialogue with coaches throughout training.