All the Shoes

Coach Nick here - I have spent the last couple of years trying out shoes from as many brands as I can. In my pre-runner days, I loved the stylish and chic dress and dress/casual shoes. As a runner, that interest in shoe types shifted to running shoes, and has largely stayed there ever since. Anyone who has ever asked me about shoes knows that they get a detailed description of shoes I love and why. We’ve had this blog/resource section on our site, but haven’t really used it so thought this would be an apt place to start leaving my thoughts on all the shoes I’ve tried out.

Full disclosure, I am an avid reader of the Believe in the Run ( site as well as listener of their podcast, The Drop. If you want thorough perspectives on shoes from a team with varied feet, running styles, and goals, they are the best, in my opinion. But with that said, I’m going to throw in my own two cents about the shoes that excite me, and the ones that don’t.

What you will not find here are discounts of any kind for shoe brands. I am not sponsored by or affiliated with any brands. No one has asked me to do this, I just really want to write/talk about shoes more than I do already.

So if you’re curious about the thoughts of a former barefoot/sandal runner has about shoes, stick around, and join the shoe party.


Runner Dictionary